EagleBurgmann Espey


Tough demands are placed on the sealing systems in use when in­dus­trial plants are to operate without re­stric­tions in a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions. Espey® carbon floating ring seals by EagleBurgmann Espey offer the optimum solution: from simple, standard fans with straight­for­ward re­quire­ments up to special fans for large pressure in­creases; fans that may also be subject to ex­tremely dif­fi­cult con­di­tions such as flue gases or po­ten­tially ex­plo­sive en­vi­ron­ments. All these factors - the ro­bust­ness, the wide range of op­er­at­ing pa­ra­me­ters, and the large number of ap­pli­ca­tion-spe­cific optional mod­i­fi­ca­tions to the seal - have con­tributed to decades of suc­cess­ful ap­pli­ca­tions in almost every in­dus­trial sector, such as plant con­struc­tion, chemical and petro­chem­i­cal en­gi­neer­ing, power plant tech­nol­ogy, waste disposal, the steel industry and vapour com­pres­sion.

Application example: Sealing of a continuous kiln for heat treatment

Issue and challenge:

The man­u­fac­ture of pre­ci­sion strips with ex­tremely close tol­er­ances from copper and copper alloys requires a con­tin­u­ous kiln with heating and cooling zones for tem­per­ing the strip in closed chambers con­tain­ing an inert gas at­mos­phere. The tem­per­ing process permits re­crys­tal­liza­tion after previous rolling, in order to achieve the desired me­chan­i­cal and physical pa­ra­me­ters such as ex­pan­sion, grain size and strength. The strips are trans­ported through the plant without contact on a gas cushion gen­er­ated by a system of nozzles. The energy required by the flow of gas for this purpose is provided by fans. For reasons of assembly and ser­vic­ing, the fan motors are mounted outside the chambers. Since very little space is avail­able, the entry of the shafts into the pro­cess­ing area must be im­ple­mented with a very short shaft seal. This system protects the copper strips from the oxygen in the at­mos­phere.




Solution from EagleBurgmann Espey:

To meet the operator's needs, EagleBurgmann Espey selected an Espey® WDKS with barrier gas port, 3 seal rings and a length of no more than 50 mm (1.97 “). Because of its split casing it can easily be fitted without dis­man­tling the motors or other com­po­nents. The seal is designed for a tem­per­a­ture of 150 °C (302 °F), a pressure of 1.053 bar (15.27 PSI) and a rotation speed of 1500 rpm. Nitrogen is used as the barrier gas, which guar­an­tees that no oxygen gets into the inert gas zones. The seal solution has a long service life, is main­te­nance-free, and com­pen­sates for shaft de­flec­tion


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